Monday, November 1, 2010

Revamped Deathly Hallows website reveals variety of short new clips

Warner Brothers today released a new version of the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 website.

As part of the refresh, several new clips - serving as transitions between pages - have appeared. See them each below:

- Dobby apparates out a scene
- Ministry officials chase Harry
- Voldemort opens Dumbledore's tomb
- Harry and Hagrid ride through London
- The Trio being chased by Snatchers
- Fast-paced variety of clips
- Bellatrix throws the knife at Dobby
- Harry and Hagrid fly through the air
- Harry casts Expecto Patronum
- Death Eaters create havoc
- Moody flies by Harry
- Nagini goes after Charity Burbage

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