Thursday, November 18, 2010

My HP:DH Part 1 Review!!!

Have just watched the film
and it was AMAZINGG!!!
it started of a bit slow and a few changes were made
with the Goodbyes and less emphasise on the changes in the Dursleys.. they only a had a tiny bit of screen time.. It focused more on Hermione's Oblivation of her parents..

The titles were quite well fitted in to the movie and began epic as they get ready to set out on there dangerous journey...
The 7 potters scene was great although not much focus on the death of Hedwig or Mad-Eye..
Wedding was done quite good with little emphasize on it..
The escape was good and showed them that they were all alone..
Kreacher did not have much justice like the book as he growed and developed but still
made a appearance with dobby..

The break into the Ministry Of Magic was an excellent scene as really followed the book
and was stunning visually.. also quite humorous..
After the wood adventure begins
wich gave the on the run feeling but a the scene changes were quite fast
as they changed scenes too fast and felt rushed
but did felt dragged a bit as there was not much changes
but the scenery was stunning and beautiful..
as ron leaves the dance seq with harry and hermione was great to create
an emotional scene

Godrics Hallow was another amazing scene as created that eerie sense ..
and was created well from the book
After they return Ron returns and is not missing for too much of the film
and saves harry and destroys the locket.. which was done perfectly as
it showed how brave Ron was for facing his deepest fears..
After this the movie starts move quite fast
as they than visit Xenophillios LoveGood to find out about the mysterious
marks.. which is a truly amazing scene as they discover the deathly hallows
with Hermione telling the story of Beedle The Bard which was presented
in a cartoon-like scene which was stunning visually and truly sent the message of the story..
They then try to escape as the snatchers begin to chase them which
a escape sequence is made and is needed to provide a bit of action

It then moves into the Malfoy Manor Scene which is another stand out scene
as Hermione is tortured by Bellatrix and are rescued by Dobby who apparates them away to safety but unfortunately he is taken which everyone knew was coming..
This scene was another excellent scene as it again delivered emotion to the audience..

The burial is held after this scene and than fades to Voldemort entering Dumbledores tomb
and stealing the Elder Wand which he then shoots sparks to the sky and ends..
which ended great but delivered a cliffhanger wanting to see the Part 2 right away
Would of been good if it left us satisfied for the time but at least we cant wait for the next one..

Overall an AMAZING HP Film.. and is the best HP Movie..
It Delivers the most closest as possible movie to the book
Can not wait for Part 2
AMAZINGGG!!! 10/10

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